A flexible and efficient legislative drafting solution

LegisPro’s modular architecture enables you to modernize your legislative drafting system incrementally and affordably.

Lay the groundwork for the future by transitioning to modern, web-based technologies

LegisPro is a modern web-centric structured document editor designed specifically for legislative and other rulemaking documents. It is based on Xcential’s two decades of experience developing tools to draft and amend legislation in some of the world’s most demanding legislative bodies.

Government IT professionals are constantly testing, building, installing, repairing, and maintaining the hardware and software associated with their organization’s complex computer systems. Xcential understands the challenges IT professionals face, from obsolete technology like mainframes and WordPerfect, to maintaining the thousands of Word macros necessary to manage document workflow and templates. LegisPro, built on standard, non-proprietary web technologies, puts IT teams on modern footing.

Key Features

By creating and managing legislative and regulatory materials as data first, LegisPro delivers three key: electronic efficiency, digital connections, and data transparency.

Templates and automation

Save time by starting your bill with templates automatically structured for all your document types – acts, bills, resolutions, and more. Drag and drop language from other documents – citations are created automatically.

Automatic amendments

LegisPro lets you create an amendment in context by directly editing the original document. LegisPro digitally tracks your changes and translates every change into the correct amendatory language. Click a button and LegisPro automatically turns your redline into an amending document, conforming to your jurisdiction’s rules.

Multi-user access and change sets

With LegisPro, multiple drafters can work on a document simultaneously. LegisPro accurately and automatically tracks every change, by every user, and reassembles the next version on the fly. LegisPro’s powerful Change Sets tool lets you manage all your changes – combine multiple change sets, make changes within other changes, and view them individually or engrossed.

Linked citations

LegisPro links and manages citations with 100% accuracy, and maintains links in its editing features. Drag and drop a section of an existing law to begin making your amendments. A citation automatically populates and the the reference is automatically creating in the database.

Point-in-time histories

Once a compilation or code is maintained in LegisPro, it can automatically produce that compilation or codification as it stood at each point in time.

Automatic codifications

After a law or regulation is approved or amended, users have the option to let LegisPro automatically update all relevant compilations and codifications.

Automatic comparisons

LegisPro automatically displays how a proposed amendment changes an underlying bill, law, or regulation.

Instant publication

LegisPro can generate PDFs, HTML, or Word files at the click of a button, automating much of the publishing process for legislatures. Connect LegisPro to a public interface to instantly report bills and regulations as they are proposed, amended, and enacted.

Configure and customize a flexible system architecture

The old way of modernizing complex legislative systems was to replace all of the components at once, a complete overhaul of your IT system. A single modernization project could require as many as five years and enormous expense – and risk.

LegisPro uses standard web technologies and a plug-in architecture divided into separate components that can stand alone or be coupled with other existing components. You can add, remove, or customize features to match your jurisdiction’s rules and the functionality you need.

This means you can modernize your systems using Agile methodologies, building into the future one step at a time. Start with a pilot project or proof of concept, and move forward, smartly, from there – reducing risk and building the user constituency for change and modernization.

LegisPro is built on open data standards

LegisPro creates and manages legislative documents as data first, using nonproprietary formats such as Akoma Ntoso and USLM. If better technology comes along, LegisPro’s editing tools can be replaced or upgraded without the expense and trauma of data conversion.

LegisPro’s foundation of open data standards makes your legislative database “future proof.”

Read the New White Paper: Laws as a Fundamental Element of Government Digital Transformation
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