LegisPro – Modernizing rulemaking & e-services

Purpose-built for governments (large & small), agencies, departments, and associations with large sets of laws, policy, regulations, and other inter-connected rules

Move from rules in documents to
Law as Digital Data

Draft with accuracy, efficiency and confidence

Search across your body of rules and related rules

In the cloud, meaningful modernization to power your e-services & workflows

Amend, create & codify law (and other rules)

LegisPro lets you amend the law or bills in context. Edit with flexible change sets and redlining (pick your colors). LegisPro tracks your changes and automatically translates your edits into the correct amendatory language and bill format.

LegisPro’s preconfigured templates — designed to match your document types — provide the control you’ve been missing and ensure your work conforms to your drafting rules. LegisPro offers drafters customizable templates for any bill or regulation, stored in a managed, central repository and immediately accessible whenever you are starting a new project.

Drag-and-drop text from your code library to ensure you’re always working with the correct text. Automated numbering and reference linking keeps everything consistent and accurate.

Engross amendments. Update and consolidate changes to your law or regulations with the click of a button. 100% accuracy & true time saver.

Click the button and LegisPro automatically generates an amending document, conforming to your jurisdiction’s rules.

Research Made Easiest

Your rules (laws, ordinances, policies, regulations) in a easy to search database. Easily add other bodies of rules that should be researched, referenced, linked, amended, aligned, or at least considered.

See Research Features

Empower E-Services

When each statute is a URL, you can direct citizens (and anyone else) to the exact law, ordinance, or policy. Not a PDF, but what they need to see.

Features for Operations & IT

You’re a rules based organization. Most e-services are based on rules.

LegisPro stores your law and all rules in an international data standard. It was built specifically for management of law by modern, transparent organizations.

We don’t create your e-services, but we think LegisPro can make them even better.

Modular modernization for the future

Your workflows

Start and control the lifecycle of amendments, resolutions, and other actions (from initiation to passage). Confidently move documents through research, readings, approval and publication. LegisPro is built to support your workflow.

Create hygiene, not risk

When you combine an international data standard, the in-context editor, a database of related rules, templates, and consolidation… you are creating process-driven hygiene, not risk.

Avoid vendor lock-in with open standards

LegisPro is built on international data standards USML and Akoma Ntoso. These are specifically designed to represent statutes as useful units of knowledge. Avoid proprietary or home grown schemes which can lead to vendor lock-in or difficult to maintain systems. 

International data standards are good for transparency, rule interoperability, accessibility, consolidation, and annotation. They are good.

Integration partners

For large government work, Xcential likes to work with lead partners. LegisPro is a configurable product. We are always available to devote sprints to that configuration.

If you are a systems integrator, we would love to share stories.

See More:  Features  |  Pricing  |  Partners

Read the New White Paper: Laws as a Fundamental Element of Government Digital Transformation
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