New series focused on legislative modernization efforts around the world drops today! Watch for free.

The series, produced by Brazilian-based Bússola Tech, is titled LegisTech: The Transition Towards a Digital-Ready Legislature. It is the first global series focusing on digital transformation in legislative processes and will feature exclusive content from dozens of governments around the world. The extensive series will feature firsthand accounts of how innovative technologies have impacted government legislative processes, improved effectiveness, and helped maintain continuity.

New episodes will be released weekly and access is totally free. Every episode, more than 40 hours of audiovisual content in total, will be available throughout 2021. Subtitles in English and Portuguese are available.

The content is designed for civil servants of legislative houses—whether at the federal, state, or local level—that are experienced in (or simply enthusiastic about) legislative modernization. The series brings together diverse topics ranging from the digitalization of the legislative process to the use of artificial intelligence applied to legislative activities.

Learn about legislative modernization efforts on every continent! Featured countries include: Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Maldives, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Suriname, United Kingdom, USA, and Zambia.

Hear from organizations such as the Interparliamentary Union, European Parliament, Parlamericas, and Pan African Parliament. In the United States, in particular, audiences will learn from the experience of state legislative houses’ digital capacity with input from the National Conference of State Legislatures.

“Legislative Houses around the world are coming to the realization that a digital transformation strategy is important for the effectiveness of legislative activities, but also for the institution’s continuity during times of crisis. The best and most inspiring experiences in the response to COVID-19 have come from legislative houses that were already prepared for a digital-ready legislature,” said Luís Kimaid, CEO of Bússola Tech.

“In this series, we aim at strengthening the bonds of cooperation and the exchange of expertise between legislative houses, both at the national and subnational level,” Kimaid continued. “Civil servants from city councils to Congress should have the opportunity to share their strategy to tackle legislative challenges and their experiences solving them using cutting-edge solutions and successful cases, presented, for example, by Xcential.”

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